
“Sylvie is giving women the tools they need to step up.

— Ellen Troxclair, Author, Step Up

Sylvie's collaborative and empowering approach creates an inclusive space that motivates individuals from diverse backgrounds to take immediate action in their businesses and communities. Sylvie's ability to facilitate engaging discussions and foster a sense of belonging inspires participants to make positive changes, unleashing their full potential.

By leveraging her entrepreneurial values and curious mindset, Sylvie ignites a passion for action and drives meaningful impact in the lives of those she engages with.

SIgnature Talks

Civil Discourse: Conquering the fear of conflict

According to a Johns Hopkins University study, civil discourse in America is currently characterized by low levels and divisiveness. Drawing from her experience as the daughter of a civic leader and as the founder of the Policy Circle, Sylvie understands firsthand the transformative power of practicing discourse to drive progress on civic issues. She firmly believes that leaders should not shy away from difficult conversations to avoid conflict. On the contrary, engaging in exchanges with individuals from diverse backgrounds and differing perspectives is essential for personal and collective growth. In this session, Sylvie empowers leaders to establish firm rules of engagement that prioritize curiosity, courtesy, and fair treatment, fostering constructive and impactful discussions.

Trust Your Voice: Navigating your leadership path in an ever-evolving world

From philanthropy to entrepreneurial endeavors, Sylvie explores the life-changing power that comes from embracing authenticity and believing in one's own abilities. As a first-generation immigrant, she understands the challenges of forging new paths for greater results. By trusting their voice, emerging women leaders empower themselves to overcome self-doubt, break barriers, and unlock their full leadership potential. During this session, Sylvie empowers rising changemakers to understand their power to influence others, driving positive change within businesses and communities.

How to Maximize Impact with a strategic mindset

During this dynamic session Sylvie helps mid-career women and women founders unlock the expansive power of strategic thinking. Through real-world examples and interactive roundtable discussions, they'll understand the tangible outcomes of strategic problem-solving and connecting the dots in a disruptive and innovative world. An eye-opening HBR study revealed that while women excel in 12 out of 16 leadership competencies, they lag in developing a strategic perspective. Sylvie asserts that to cultivate strategic thinking; you must understand how the world operates and stakeholders interact. Prepare to learn practical techniques to navigate complex issues, make informed decisions, and maximize your global impact.